

The Difference of One Person

“And He gave some as apostles, and some as prophets, and some as evangelists, and some as pastors and teachers, 12 for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ;” Ephesians 4:11-12

     God has a plan for building up His church, and that plan involves you. His goal is for the church to pursue unity as each individual Christian matures in their faith. Not everyone serves the same role, but everyone serves a role. One person can make a big difference in the Lord’s church.

     Everyone is important. Like a jigsaw puzzle with a missing piece, a local church is incomplete when one of its members is missing in action. Ephesians 4:16 tells us that “the growth of the body (the church)” happens when “each individual part” does the work it is supposed to do. No matter who you are and what your experience is, you are important to the life and work of the Lord’s church.

     Every part must do its share. The strength of the local church depends on the growth and strength of the individuals. It takes one man, like Barnabas, willing to sacrifice his own blessings for the good of others (Acts 4:36-37) and was always looking to encourage others (Acts 9:26-27; 15:37-39). It takes one woman, like Tabitha, who left a lasting impact on so many others because she “was abounding with deeds of kindness and charity” (Acts 9:36). It takes one woman, like Priscilla, who tirelessly worked with her husband Aquila to stand for the truth and encourage others to do the same (Acts 18:24-29: Romans 16:3-5). With all of these individuals, you do not see any lone wolves doing their own thing. Rather, you see individuals serving others in their own capacities and with their unique abilities. 

     What is your share? Are you an encourager? Do you have resources available to you from which you can bless others? Do you have a certain skill you can use to provide for others’ needs? Are you able to teach, and maybe even gently correct people in their understanding of truth? 

     There is plenty of work to do. While no one can do it all, everyone can do something. If you are not sure what your role is, pray about it. Talk with fellow Christians about what is needed amongst our church family. You have an important role to play in the Lord’s kingdom. Our Lord is counting on you to do your part! Don’t underestimate the difference you can make, even as one person.